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Hi! My name is Amber!


I am a Northern California born and raised native. I transplanted to the glorious state of Arizona for college to study Interior Design at Arizona State University. After graduation, I found myself missing the cool California nights and all the vineyards that surround my home town of Napa Valley.


I decided to leave my career as a designer to stay home and raise our son. About 6 months in, Millie + Roo was created. now, I have two beautiful little ones who inspire every piece that comes to Millie + Ropen!


Being a stay at home mom and having an Interior Design background, I kept finding myself wanting to chime back into the creative process. At the same time, my little dude had just started teething and drooling EVERYWHERE! I was getting so frustrated with the traditional "bib" taking away from the stylish outfits I would put on him. So I thought about a fashion forward, stylish and most importantly functional bib was the key! The first one I made and put on him was so trendy yet so practical! I found a way to fulfill my desire to be creative and create while keeping my babe dry and stylish. 


I try to stay original with my designs/patterns and and create a functional product with great quality all in one. All the products I create come with very unique, modern designs to keep babes as unique as they are. Each piece is handmade in the USA with a lot of love! 


I take pride in creating products for all my customers, I hope if you purchase from us, you are 100% pleased and happy! When I receive pictures of babes and adults in my products, it warms my heart and I feel a connection. You are more then just a customer, you have a piece of my love




If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at